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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Open the Gift of Indescribable Joy

          Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Children drink gobs of Joy Juice during this season of the year…and we should follow their example.

            Don’t you love to watch children during the Christmas season?   The wonder in their sparkling eyes, the excitement in their voices, the squeals of delight when they see the lights and packages with their names on them!   I can remember as a little girl being thrilled over the Christmas season. Countless times a day, I would ponder over the pages in the catalogs that would come in the mail. My wish-list grew longer and longer….hoping that at least some of those items would be under my tree on Christmas morning.   

            Even though my parents were careful to keep things in perspective, I’m afraid my focus was in the wrong place.  I knew we were celebrating Jesus’ birthday, but I’m sure I really didn’t grasp the significance of His birth. As adults, we do we grasp the significance of the birth of Jesus? Or are we caught up in the “hurry and worry” of the holidays? We should be intentional about celebrating the right thing….and teach our children about the real reason for the season.

            This year, let’s put our focus on the BEST gift of all. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”  2 Corinthians 9:15 says. God has already sent His love to us wrapped in the form of his Son, Jesus.  When we open that glorious gift, our focus will not be on material things. Instead, we will desire what’s in the best Book of all ….the Bible….God’s Word.   And that promises to bring a JOYful Christmas to all of us.

Open the gift of indescribable, glorious joy….and share Jesus with others throughout the holidays.


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