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Monday, October 20, 2014

Invite Someone Into Your JOY Kitchen!

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?    One of the favorite gathering places in our home is the kitchen.  Usually, there’s lots of talking, laughter, & working together to produce a meal…and, of course, the enjoyment of participating in the finished product around the kitchen table!

            If you think about it, the kitchen is the place where a lot of “service” to your family and friends takes place…acts of service for those you love.   Author Joanna Weaver writes about “Kitchen Service” in her book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.     She says: “Kitchen service is not optional for Christians.  We’re supposed to serve others and show love to them----and, in the process, to represent Jesus to the world around us.”

            Do you look for ways to serve others as you go through your day?  Sometimes we are so busy with our agendas and list of responsibilities that we don’t see others in need.  As faithful Christians, we should be willing to put our agenda aside, if necessary, in order to minister to someone who is hurting or in need.  When the Lord quickens your heart to “serve”, be obedient.

             Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”   Ecclesiastes 9:10.  An amazing thing happens when we serve others for the sake of Christ—we are filled with a contagious JOY!!!  Invite someone into your “ JOY kitchen” today.

Serve some delicious Joy Juice from your "Joy kitchen" and watch the joy of the Lord spread from one person to another!  

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