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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Entertain Strangers, Joyfully

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Make sure that you have plenty on hand when you entertain strangers.

            Entertain STRANGERS?????  That sounds “strange”…doesn’t it?  Verse 2 in Chapter 13 of Hebrews says: “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” (NIV)

            When we speak of entertaining, we usually think of opening our homes to friends for food, fun and fellowship.  But how often have we turned away the opportunity to have someone in our home because we didn’t know them well enough, or our house wasn’t clean & nice enough or because we didn’t have time to fix a fancy meal.  The truth is, most people don’t care how your house looks or even what you serve them to eat.  They simply enjoy being loved and accepted. And what a great way to get to know someone—by having them in your home. 

              We should realize that people are sent into our lives for a reason.  They may not always be what they appear to be….some may be God’s special messengers to bless you in a glorious way.  Others He may bring to you because He wants to bless them through YOU. 

             Will you allow the JOY of the Lord to shine through you—even to the strangers of this world?  Remember, YOU are a stranger to some people , too. BUT we can ALL be instruments of His love and joy.

           Serve your JOY JUICE as you entertain strangers! Be a blessing and receive a blessing by sharing a double portion of the joy of Jesus with others. 

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