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Monday, October 1, 2012

A Perfect Day to Start Fresh and Share His JOY!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Let’s begin this new month with a renewed commitment to share the JOY of the Lord as often as possible.

            Many times we find ourselves “stuck” in the past, not able to move forward because we cannot forgive ourselves for poor decisions, bad choices or something that we think is unforgivable. With that sense of “hopelessness”, we can lose our JOY!

            PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE know that we CAN move beyond our past mistakes! Jesus offers complete forgiveness…if we come to Him with a sincere, repentant heart!  If you are battling with this decision, beating yourself up over a bad choice you made yesterday or years ago, turn to the book of Luke, chapter 7 and read how Jesus dealt with the sinful woman in verses 36 – 50.

            She came to him…truly sorry for her past sins.  She brought Him the best she had…an alabaster jar of perfume and anointed her Savior’s feet.  She wet His feet first with her tears and wiped them with her hair.  In other words, she was truly broken before the Lord and He saw her pure heart.  He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

            God loves you!  No matter what you’ve done in the past.  What He’s concerned about now is your future.  He wants you to spend a JOYful eternity with Him. 

            Today is the PERFECT day to start fresh! Accept His forgiveness and let Jesus fill your heart with a special kind of JOY.

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