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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wait for God's JOYful Blessings

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It’s ready and waiting for you…just drink it in and experience the JOY of JESUS!

             God has been dealing with my heart lately about the difficulty of “waiting”.  Though I guess it’s human nature to want something RIGHT NOW, it’s not always what’s best for us.  When toddlers pitch a fit for something that their parents know is not good for them, we understand that when the mom and dad say no, they are simply trying to do what is best for their child. 

            When teenagers ask to go to a party that will be unchaperoned and they may possibly be exposed to drugs or alcohol, good parents say NO! They are simply trying to protect their sons and daughters from harm.

            Then why do we have such difficulty accepting God’s delays in answering our prayers?  We pray and expect God to give us what we’ve prayed for immediately.  But our loving Heavenly Father sometimes has to say NO to our prayers, because He knows that we’ve asked for something that is not what is best for us. Then at times, He makes us wait…and often we are blessed with something so much better at His perfect time!

            Isaiah 30:18 reminds us: Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.”

             If we desire God’s JOYful blessings, then we must learn to “wait for him.”  Let’s pray for one another to learn this lesson and live it out daily in all circumstances.

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