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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Joyfully Seek God's Will

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Drinking it prayerfully leads to boldness and joy that comes from being in God’s will.

            How many of us have been in a situation where we have to make a choice, and we’re not sure which choice is God’s will?  I would guess 100% of us have found ourselves in that dilemma. Prayer is crucial in determining God’s will, but how do we know for sure when we have “heard” Him?

            One account of Jesus praying all night regarding God’s will is found in Luke 6:12 – 16. Here, Jesus prays about who should be his disciples…the 12 Apostles.   How did prayer help? John Wesley described it like this:  “I find that the chief purpose of prayer in seeking God’s will is that prayer gets my will into an unbiased state. Once my will is unprejudiced about the matter, I find (that) God suggests reasons to my mind why I should or should not pursue a course.”

.           When we fervently pray, our hearts become more “in tune” to God’s plan.  Let’s remember that we should pray that our will (not our emotions) will yield to God’s divine, best plan…whatever that may be.  That’s what Paul meant in 2 Timothy 1:7 when he said: “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and sound judgment.”

            Boldly come before the Lord in prayer--seeking His will, His power, His love.  Experience the JOY of being filled with “sound judgment” as He leads you along the path He has chosen for you.

            It is God’s will that we seek His will…so remember to joyfully pray always!

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