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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Letter of JOY and Thanks!

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  We need to make certain that we’re drinking it faithfully throughout this busy Christmas season….if not we may forget the reason we’re celebrating!

            Many of us are beginning to get those Christmas cards and updates from friends and family members that we wait for all year long.  Christmas time is the perfect time to exchange greetings with loved ones; after all, LOVE is the reason God sent His Son Jesus to earth. 

            As I was making my own Christmas list, I thought about the suggestion I gave yesterday about encouraging our children to write a letter of thanks to God.  Just think of all the letters to Santa that are written every year around this time.  So often we completely leave God out of the celebration when HE is the reason we celebrate Christmas.   Many people miss this truth. Some even want to remove all the Christian symbols and traditions of the season.  Let’s do our part to make sure that CHRIST remains the center of our Christmas.

            So, how about joining me as we write our own letters to God?  Maybe we could say something like this:

Dear God, 
     Thank you for loving me! Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to be born of a virgin; to live on this earth in the midst of sinful men; and then to die for me.
      I am grateful for the reminders during this Christmas season that Your love is always available. May I show my love and thankfulness to you, Father, by spreading the JOY of the Lord throughout every season of the year!

            Write (or at least speak) your own Christmas letter of joy & gratitude to the Lord. 

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