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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Praise the LORD...JOYfully!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Praise the LORD for your continual serving of His joy!

            Psalm 106:1 is a wonderful verse to mediate on this Thanksgiving week. It says: “Praise the LORD.  Give thanks to the LORD for he is good; his love endures forever.”

·        Why are we to praise the LORD?  Because He is God!
·        Why are we to praise the LORD?  Because he is good!
·        Why are we to praise the LORD?  Because his love endures forever!

          Even in natural disasters such as Hurricane Sandy, we are to praise the LORD. Even in the heartache of crushing loss and complete devastation, God still loves. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. But some might ask: How can we say He is “good” when He allows bad things to happen?

            Writer Henry Morris gives this answer:

          “We ourselves do not establish the standards of what is right. Only the Creator of all reality can do that. We need to settle it, in our minds and hearts, whether we understand it or not, that whatever God does is, by definition, right. Having settled this by faith, we are then free to seek for ways in which we can profit spiritually from the sufferings in life, as well as the blessings.”

            As we seek the blessings amidst our losses and search for wisdom in things we don’t understand, let’s thank God one revelation at a time. We might be amazed at the JOY we will find.

            Let’s continue to pray for the victims of disaster and those who are hurting; and let’s never forget to praise the LORD….for HE IS GOOD and HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!  "The JOY of the LORD is our strength!" Nehemiah 8:10

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