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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

His Wisdom, His JOY

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Drinking it faithfully leads to wisdom and understanding of the JOY of the Lord!

            King Solomon was noted as being on of the wisest men who ever lived.  Why was he so wise?  The Bible tells us that he prayed to God asking for understanding…and God granted him what he requested.

            We have that same privilege!  We can ask God, just as Solomon did, for knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  But keep in mind, it’s a life-long process.  We don’t just pray that prayer one day and wake up the next filled with everything we’ve always wanted to know! 
            When you find yourself in a situation where you truly don’t know what step to take next, seek discernment and understanding by surrendering it to God.  Ask Him to give you the wisdom and knowledge that only He can supply.

Proverbs 2:10-11 is a source of strength for those times when you are truly seeking God’s guidance.  “… for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you”

            When we try to handle our problems and make big decisions in our own knowledge and strength, many times we find ourselves in a big mess!  God, however, has the answer and He is waiting for you to come before Him and ask for His wisdom, His knowledge, His understanding and His JOY!

            It’s a wise thing to get into the habit of drinking His JOY JUICE faithfully and share it with others along the way.

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