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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Listen for God's Amazing Gift of JOY

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It’ll fill you with amazing JOY!

            This week after Christmas we’ve been following Mary and Joseph as they took Jesus to the temple to be consecrated.  There they met Simeon and were amazed at the words that came from his heart and mouth. My Bible footnote explains that they were amazed for three reasons:

  1. Simeon said that Jesus was a gift from God.
  2. Simeon recognized Jesus as the Messiah.
  3. Simeon said Jesus would be a light to the entire world.

How did he know these things?  By the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

This was the second time that Mary had been greeted with a prophecy about her son. You remember the first time---when Elizabeth welcomed her as the mother of her Lord. Can you imagine what must have been going through Mary’s mind?  All kinds of questions, I’m sure.  But her faith remained strong and she was willing to be God’s loyal servant.

            God speaks to us today, if we will only listen.  Many times He speaks and leads, yet we don’t understand all the details.  My prayer is that we will be like Mary and have a faith so strong that we will remain faithful and loyal…even when it seems things don’t make sense.  We can trust that God knows the plan and our part is to follow obediently one step at a time.

            Never give up on God…remain faithful and He will continue to amaze you and fill you with His JOY.

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