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Monday, June 1, 2015

God Has a Joyful Plan...TRUST HIM!

           Have you had your Joy Juice today?  God has a purpose for your life; so drink in His joy and listen carefully!

            Many times we quote the verse from Jeremiah 29:11 that talks about God’s plans for our lives.   For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Do we truly believe those words? Do we live each day as if we trust in His good plan?

            We say  we believe God has a purpose…but what do we mean by that?  God does have a will for each of us…specific plans for us, individually. But His plan also includes a grander scale as it affects the multitudes, peoples from all over the world, even history. He is just as present in the tiny details of our individual lives as He is in the grand purpose which affects His entire creation.

            In His book, Waiting on God, Charles Stanley writes: “We must realize that there are two major aspects to God’s will.  First, the Lord expresses a determined will, which is inevitable and unchangeable because it involves those plans He will absolutely accomplish.  Nothing in all of creation can impede Him from carrying them out because He is sovereign (Ps. 103:19).”

            Secondly, there is “God’s desired will, which includes His general moral laws and His plans for each of us as individuals.  Unlike His determined purpose, the Father’s desired objectives may or may not be fulfilled because He allows us freedom in our daily choices.” 

            Prayerfully and wholeheartedly relinquish your plan to God’s will…..and choose genuine joy!

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