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Monday, August 6, 2012

ANGER Can Steal Your JOY!

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Has someone done something to make you angry?  Then drink a double portion of JOY JUICE!

            Anger is a natural emotion.  We all experience it.  Sometimes it’s over injustice; other times it’s when we don’t get our way or when we see someone we love being mistreated.  We get angry when untruths are told about us or when we are overlooked for a job promotion.  The quickest way to make a mom angry is to mess with her children! Right?

            “Anger can be a very destructive emotion.  It can make a person say or do things he or she will regret for a lifetime.  Anger can dent a friendship, damage a relationship, or destroy a marriage.  Out of control, anger can become the most destructive force in the world.”  

            But the Bible makes it clear that not all anger is necessarily sinful.  Psalm 7:11 says (GOD’S WORD Translation):  God is a fair judge, a God who is angered by injustice every day.”  See, even God gets angry. But as humans, it’s our reactions and what we do or say “in anger” that is often wrong.

             Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 4:26 (NIV) : “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”

            The fact is we are all going to experience anger from time to time. But when we let it get out of control and hurt others; when we hold on to it for days and months and sometimes even years…we are not in the will of God!  AND we will not be living a life of JOY.

             Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry.  Make it right and experience peace & joy!


  1. If I'm not mistaken, it even says that He is slow to anger...If we continue to strive to be like Him and let Him lead us, we may not be so quick to snap at loved ones and enemies alike. Well said, Joyce! :D

  2. You are SOOOO right, sweet Lena! Let's strive to be more and more like HIM every day.....slow to anger and quick to love! :)
