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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Your Individual Flavor of JOY

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  There are many different flavors but we can always find something suits our individual taste!

            Papa Pat and I have six little grandjoys!  Each of them is special, but every one is different! Some like to eat fruit; some won’t touch it!  The girls like to play tea party and ballet; the boys much prefer baseball and trucks and tractors.  When choosing gifts for them at Christmas or birthdays, we carefully seek out things that we know will bring them pleasure.

            There’s a song that I heard on the radio many years ago that has stuck in my memory bank. (I don’t really understand why, because so often REALLY IMPORTANT things seem to be lost forever!)  The chorus kept repeating “God ain’t never had a grandchild; only a child will do!”

            The message conveyed in the song was that each person has to make his/her own decision to follow Christ.   We can’t get into heaven based on the faith of our parents or grandparents.  God wants each of us to decide to follow after Him. You see, as much as I’d like to give the gift of salvation to our grandchildren, ONLY God can offer that! Yes, we can teach about God, but each person has to decide for themselves.

            Have you made that most important decision…to follow hard after Christ?  If not, take care of that right now and ask Jesus into your heart. Then share that joy with your children and grandchildren.  That’s a gift that keeps on giving and one that will encourage your family to seek that sweet JOY in the Lord!             “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” James 1:17.

            Let’s open our individual gifts of JOY today and see how we can use them to bring JOY to others!

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