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Monday, March 19, 2012

Train Up a Child....with JOY!

Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Children love the taste!

             It’s entertaining to be around new parents and grandparents!  They are bubbling over with excitement about their new little joy!  And they will probably pull out their pictures to show you just how pretty the baby is.  I know what I’m talking about because I’m one of those silly grandparents!  What a great stage of life!  But along with the fun and joy of grandchildren, comes a great privilege that I think we often forget about: praying for them as they grow and develop.

            That’s what I’d like for us to concentrate on this week….praying for our children, grandchildren, young friends or relatives.  Often we miss the importance of covering our young people in prayer.  Parents,  raising small children is no simple task.  It’s a full time job… with little time for rest. 

                        If you find yourself in this season of life, know that you can depend on God to give you wisdom when you most need it; to fill your heart with love and compassion; to place on your tongue words of encouragement and edification.  Some things might have to go undone…I can promise you that they will not remember the dust on the furniture, but they will remember you holding them and reading Bible stories to them.  They will remember the sound of your voice and your example as you pray with them.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  Remember you are making memories for your children….make sure that they are memories filled with JOY.

           Make sure that your children are drinking the JOY JUICE of Jesus…and be an example by drinking it faithfully, yourself!

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