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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Intentional JOY

Thursdays are usually my busiest day of the week.  And today was no exception!  What WAS the "exception" was that I determined to be extra intentional about recognizing JOY throughout my day.  And oh, my!  Did I ever see every turn.  Just to name a few of the "JOY gifts" I received today:
  1. I received a text from my favorite daughter first thing this morning with a sweet message.
  2. A little later, I got a phone call from our almost five-year-old grandson telling me allllll about his Christmas program last night.  He was one of the "Three Wee Kings"...and he told me with much enthusiasm (and yes, JOY) about the songs he sang and what he wore.  He even passed the phone to his three year old sister, who had to fill me on on other interesting facts! 
  3. Then, it was on to the radio station to tape JOY JUICE!  I taped two weeks' worth of devotionals today, due to Christmas being next week.  Would you believe that out of ten segments, my tongue didn't mess up one time!!!!  NOW, THAT'S A GIFT!!! Such a rarity!!!!
  4. At the radio station I got to enJOY the company of two employees of the station who have become such dear friends over the past 2 1/2 years.  They've been such a help to me in my radio ministry and I got to tell them today how much God has used them in my life!  We shared some sweet time together!
  5. Next, I was in route to the hospital!  Nope, not sick!  Just volunteer once a week as Chaplain.  I always receive a blessing from visiting and praying with the well as talking and sharing with the nurses and staff people.  I had such a JOYful time with all of them today.
  6. Okay...I'm not finished yet!  I ran into several stores to do some last minute Christmas shopping and saw old friends GALORE!!!  I usually am in such a hurry, but today...I MADE myself slow down and enJOY the time of conversation with old friends.
  7. THEN, I went to visit one of my NEWEST friends....that sweet, precious baby I blogged about a few weeks ago.  She'll be four weeks old tomorrow.   What a treat to visit with her and her mommy!
That's not all.....only a start!  But I think you get the picture!  Sometimes we are in such a rush that we don't recognize the MANY gifts of JOY the Lord pours out into our lives.  During the Christmas season, let's slow down enough to be aware of the blessings of JOY that God wants to give us. Get ready for the most JOYful Christmas ever!  JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD IS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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