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Thursday, October 14, 2010

JOYful Memories from the Past

We have the very BEST neighbors in the whole wide world!  We've known each other.....well....all my life!  They have been there in the happy times, as well as the sad.  They truly are the epitome of what the word "neighbor" is supposed to mean.

Yesterday, the "grandpa" of the family (who is not much older than Pat and me!) rang my doorbell.  When I saw it was him, a smile came to my face, because anytime anyone in their family comes, it's a JOYful treat!  He'd come to "share" he so often does.  He handed me a large gallon bag FULL of shelled peanuts and with a smile said, "With the holidays coming up, I thought you might use these to make peanut brittle and such."

I was thrilled with his "gift", but even more than that, his simple act of kindness flooded my heart and my thoughts with JOYful memories from the past.  As I reached to take the package, I had to blink back bittersweet tears.  I told him that he reminded me so much of my daddy because up until just a few years ago, it was my dad who would always show up on my doorstep with a big bag of peanuts for the holiday cooking season!  Tears slipped out of the corners of my eyes as I thanked him....not only for the tangible gift, but also for being a part of MANY JOYful memories in my family's life.

Next week is the anniversary of my daddy's "homegoing".  It's been six years....and though I miss him greatly, I am grateful for the countless wonderful memories I have of Daddy.  I'm sure I'll write a tribute on my blog later, but just for today I'd like to remember with heartfelt joy the blessings of my dad's giving nature, his positive outlook on life, his corny jokes that we still like to tell and laugh at today.....and SOOOO much more.  Top of the list of his great qualities was that he loved God with all his heart, soul and mind!  And he did consider others better than himself!  What a legacy he left behind! 

"Precious memories, how they linger...."   JOYful memories, indeed!

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