Have you had your Joy Juice today? It’s the last day of 2014. Where did the time go? Are you regretting that you didn’t drink
enough JOY JUICE this past year?
Regrets…we all have them.
There are things that we have done that we wish
we had not.
We’ve said things in anger or simply without
thinking and may have hurt someone we love.
We may have made some bad decisions that have
affected relationships, job performance or our financial security.
We may not have accomplished our goals that we
set for ourselves in 2014.
We have a choice to make. Will we put on our
“sad face” :( and pout & whine about what could have been or should have
been? That’s a sure way to let the enemy steal our JOY! OR we will choose to focus
on the scripture found in 2 Corinthians 5:17? “If
anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone; the new has come!”
Let’s choose JOY in Christ. He will forgive our past sins, mistakes and
shortcomings. (That’s the “old” stuff.)
He wants to fill you with new joy…His joy so that you can move away from
the past and run joyfully forward into the New Year…2015.
Let’s say goodbye to any regrets we have regarding 2014 and put our
trust in the One who will make us into His new creation. Get ready for a joyfully blessed new year!