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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The JOYful Golden Rule

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  A steady daily portion is what we all need to help us remember the GOLDEN RULE.

            As little children, most of us were taught the GOLDEN RULE…whether it was by our parents, our school teachers or in church. We might not have realized exactly where it was in the Bible, but we all knew that it was a good rule. Many of us could  easily recite it…but when it came to putting into practice, well that was another story.

 Let’s not forget that the Golden Rule is NOT just for children….it is for ALL of us.  Jesus taught: Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them. (Matthew 7:12) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Treat people the way you want to be treated!

This teaching is perhaps one of the most powerful guidelines we will ever encounter. "The Golden Rule is so basic and simple that even a child can understand it.  Yet, it is so profound that none of us, acting in our own strength, can live it out fully. We must have the Holy Spirit’s help.(Charles Stanley in Success God’s Way)

The next time we are tempted to be critical of others, let’s ask ourselves if we  like to be criticized.  When we think we’re too busy to stop and help someone in need, let’s be reminded that there will be times that WE will need someone’s help.  If we will abide by the Golden Rule in all our decision making, then our lives will be so JOY-filled that we can’t help but share that JOY with others! 

            Drink your JOY JUICE faithfully and share a double portion of JOY with others….just as you would have them share their JOY with you! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Pinch of Salt with My JOY JUICE, Please!

        Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  You might want to add just a pinch of salt to give it an enhanced flavor!

    It’s a fact that salt makes things taste better.  What’s the first thing you do when you sit down to the table and taste something bland?  Most of us reach for the salt shaker.

   Even Job stated in Chapter 6, verse 6 “Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt?"  To put this in the spiritual context, it is easier for people to accept our message of God's free gift of salvation when it is given in the right spirit. A person must understand the need for a savior before they will accept Jesus Christ.

When we are sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus, we must remember that the words we choose must be enough to get our point across but not so many that we overstate our point and confuse the issue. We should use moderation in our speech. In other words, we should choose our words carefully.
     Sometimes it may take just a “pinch” of spiritual salt to be the perfect flavor that a person needs to make a decision to follow Christ.  A whole “cupful” may overwhelm them. Do you see my point?  We need to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and make sure our words are seasoned with just the right amount of salt.  Ask God to fill your salt shaker with the purest and “tastiest” seasoning….that which is filled with His love, His truth and His JOY!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

JOYful Father's Day Pleasures

Yesterday was Father's Day!  And I got to spend it with some of my MOST FAVORITE people in the whole wide hubby and my children and grandchildren.  Let me tell you about the sweetest gift of all that "we" received for Father's know, husbands share their gifts, right?

Oh, the grandkids (oldest is only five) had such wonderful surprises prepared for Papa.  When we arrived, there were pictures taped to the back door where we were to enter that proclaimed "World's Greatest Granddad".  Each had colored their picture with a "personal" touch! They had planned the menu ESPECIALLY for and ice cream with hot fudge sauce!  Heehee!  They sang and danced and played all kinds of fun games with Papa and me. They had so many wonderful "gifts" for Papa!

But the sweetest gift of all...................the JOY of simply being together!  It wouldn't have mattered where we were, what we did, or the food we ate!  What was important was that we were TOGETHER, laughing and loving and stealing kisses the whole afternoon.

Is that so different from what God wants from us...His children?  No matter where we live, what we aspire to do or even the food we eat, the sweetest gift to Him is when we simply SPEND TIME WITH HIM!  Have you done that today?  That's the way to experience genuine JOY in the Lord!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Our God is JOYfully Awesome!

My new book is with the editor and just about to be complete!  YIPPPEEEE!  God is so faithful.  In the process, I've got another new friend.  I had already fallen in love with Jennifer...Ms. Editor...while working on the last book, but this time we REALLY have gotten close.  We're finding that we have more and more in common. 

However, that's NOT the new friend I want to tell you about today.  It's a fellow author named Kitty.  She's just completed her first book and is going to use the same editor I'm using.  She called today with a few questions...from Springfield, MO.  We instantly had a "connection" because of our love for the Lord and our desire to write what He has laid upon our hearts. I was soooo thrilled to be able to help someone who is going through what I have just recently experienced...publishing that first book!  There are a zillion questions and sometimes you don't even know WHAT to ask.

Anyway, our conversation ended up growing a little more personal when she began to describe her husband---in a most loving way.  I began to laugh because it was as if she was describing MY hubby, Papa Pat!  I asked her when she'd been peeking in the window of our lives!  She shared that she and her husband had been together close to 40 years!  "Us, too!" I told her.  "In August we will celebrate 39 years!"

Kitty said, "Our anniversary is in August, too.  We will be married 39 years, too! What's the date?"
I responded, "August 26."  She let our a squeal.  "OUR'S TOOOO!!!!!'

Now, may I ask you....what are the chances of someone I've NEVER met, that lives miles and miles away...several states away...would call to chat about writing a book and we find out we have the same exact anniversary.  Before we hung up the telephone, we prayed together and promised to keep in touch.  Can't wait to meet my new friend face to face one day....either on earth or in heaven.  But she will be in my heart always.   This is a good time to remember the Lord's words in Isaiah 55: 8-9
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
   neither are your ways my ways,”
            declares the LORD.
 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
   so are my ways higher than your ways
   and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Now, that's a great big serving of JOY JUICE!  Thank you, Lord!  You are JOYfully AWESOME!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cure for Grouchiness...JOY in Jesus!

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Please drink it…especially if you’re feeling grouchy!

             We all have our “grouchy” days!  But if you are finding yourself having more negative days than cheerful ones, then STOP!

            Remember, people don’t enjoy being around grouches!  Unless of course, your name is Slimy the Worm and you love Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street!  Oscar complains about EVERYTHING!  He has determined to be negative; never to be satisfied; to criticize everything people try to do for him.  Now, we know that Oscar is just a make believe character, but I imagine you might be smiling right now because you’re thinking of a REAL LIVE grouch, right?

            What can we do to share JOY with them?  The first thing is to simply set a good example.  Smile a lot; say uplifting things; counter negative comments with positive ones.  Model a joyful, Christian life…and when the timing is right, share Christ with them. 

            I know that’s easier said than done.  At times we do need to step back, take a deep breath, and shoot up a flare prayer for God to give us wisdom and perseverance.  Some people who we view as “grouchy” might be hurting or fearful.  Pray that God would show you what you can do to express His love and JOY in that person’s life!  Be patient with them because tomorrow we might be that grouch that needs an extra dose of JOY!

Drink your JOY JUICE faithfully and share a double portion of God’s JOY to ward off “grouchiness”!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wedding JOY

This weekend Papa Pat and I have the JOYful privilege of celebrating the marriage of the daughter of my college roommate (UGA...GO DAWGS)!  We are thrilled to witness the union of this precious young lady and the man of her dreams.  Just as special as the wedding itself...will be the opportunity to catch up with my sweet roomie and simply spend a little time with her.

Weddings always begin with such promise of a joy-filled future.  What so many couples forget is that marriage takes THREE.  Yes, three: GOD, Bride & Groom.  If the couple will put God first and keep Him as the most important part of their marriage....individually and together...then they are setting themselves up for a lifetime of JOY in the Lord. 

That's not saying that they will never have troubles and challenges.  ALL couples have trials and unexpected circumstances that "try" them.  God, however, is bigger than ANY trial or difficulty.  Drawing closer to HIM will draw them closer to one another.  Together, they will learn that with His help, they can make it through anything!  But each one must keep his/her eyes on Jesus.  When selfishness takes over and one or both start thinking more about MY NEEDS rather than how to be a Godly spouse and meet the needs of the other....that's when trouble starts and "the enemy" has his toe in the door!

Will you join me in praying for this young couple?  LeighAnn and Alex will be so excited over all the festivities surrounding their wedding day.  Our prayer should be that when all the fun and "happy" of the actual wedding event are over, they will find JOY in the constant love and presence of the Divine Bridegroom!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Run the Right Way...with JOY!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Drinking it faithfully will help you to be a more committed person!
            Several years ago, in a national championship cross-country race in California, a bizarre twist of events took place. 128 of the best runners in the country were participating in the grueling race. About three miles into the race, one runner, Mike Delvaco realized that the runners ahead of him had made a wrong turn. He yelled, “You’re going the wrong way,” but they didn’t listen. Only 4 others followed Mike when he turned in the right direction…and suddenly, he found himself in the lead.
About a mile later, Mike and the runners who followed him were reunited with the larger pack who, having gone the wrong way, actually shaved about a half a mile off the course. The sad part of this story is that because so many of the runners had gone the wrong way, the officials changed the route to accommodate their error.  Mike finished number 103!  Some of Mike’s competitors “thought it was funny that he went the right way.”  (
   When you are teased and made fun of for “going the right way” spiritually, hold fast to the truth that God will NOT change the course. As 2 Chronicles 16:9 reminds us For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”  You will be rewarded… with great JOY!
            Drink your JOY JUICE faithfully and as you run the right way with God.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Be a JOYful Christian Hero!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Drink a good serving because you never know when you may be called on to perform a heroic deed!

            Many times when we think of a hero we think of people like the firefighters and policeman who risked their lives to help in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on New York City.  Or the soldiers who tracked down Osama Bin Laden.  We may think of “Sully” (Chesley B. Sullenberger) the airplane pilot who safely landed his aircraft on the Hudson River when birds flew into his path and disabled both of the jet’s engines.
            One thing’s for sure, we never know what our day might hold.  But we have the DIVINE HERO who holds our day!  Let’s ask Him to help us be a hero of the FAITH.

 A Christian hero is one who follows Jesus in a truly extraordinary way: one whose application of Christian ideals is worthy of admiration and emulation.  Our calling may not be to fly an airplane,  to rescue people from terrible accidents or to track down terrorists.  But we all can strive to follow Jesus' fundamental command, to love our neighbors as ourselves. Doing so consistently will make us JOYful heroes!

            As 1 Corinthians 10:31 challenges us: “…whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”