Have you had your JOY JUICE today? A steady daily portion is what we all need to help us remember the GOLDEN RULE.
As little children, most of us were taught the GOLDEN RULE…whether it was by our parents, our school teachers or in church. We might not have realized exactly where it was in the Bible, but we all knew that it was a good rule. Many of us could easily recite it…but when it came to putting into practice, well that was another story.
Let’s not forget that the Golden Rule is NOT just for children….it is for ALL of us. Jesus taught: Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them. (Matthew 7:12) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat people the way you want to be treated!
This teaching is perhaps one of the most powerful guidelines we will ever encounter. "The Golden Rule is so basic and simple that even a child can understand it. Yet, it is so profound that none of us, acting in our own strength, can live it out fully. We must have the Holy Spirit’s help." (Charles Stanley in Success God’s Way)
The next time we are tempted to be critical of others, let’s ask ourselves if we like to be criticized. When we think we’re too busy to stop and help someone in need, let’s be reminded that there will be times that WE will need someone’s help. If we will abide by the Golden Rule in all our decision making, then our lives will be so JOY-filled that we can’t help but share that JOY with others!
Drink your JOY JUICE faithfully and share a double portion of JOY with others….just as you would have them share their JOY with you!